Shop, track and discover

We help you get all your orders in one place and easily manage returns and shipments.

Get the app. Choose the version for you:

Bon app screenshots with customer and merchant applications.
How it works

Let’s see how it works

Our goals is to allow both Customers and Merchants to rethink the ease of staying on top of orders. Check out some of the features of the platforms below:

Bon customerBon merchant
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Get the most out of our Customer App

The shopping experience doesn't have to end at checkout. We are here to optimize your customer journey.


App screenshot showing today's orders and returns

Keep track of your Orders

Your orders from your favorite shops are kept in one place, so you don't have to worry about keeping track of emails, what you ordered or wonder where your package is.

App screenshot showing the return flow

Return items in a few steps

We know returning a product can be tedious. With Bon, you can quickly initiate returns so you spend the time enjoying the things you enjoy.

App screenshot showing a chat between a customer and a merchant

Chat with your favorite shops

Whether you need support or have a question about a product, Bon puts you in direct touch with the shops. No hassle required.

Get personal discounts

Retain Existing Customers

Automatically retarget customers with personalized coupons

Discover new stores

Discover new stores

Easily discover new stores and gain a personalized discount

App screenshot showing today's orders and returns

Keep track of your Orders

Your orders from your favorite shops are kept in one place, so you don't have to worry about keeping track of emails, what you ordered or wonder where your package is.

App screenshot showing the return flow

Return items in a few steps

We know returning a product can be tedious. With Bon, you can quickly initiate returns so you spend the time enjoying the things you enjoy.

App screenshot showing a chat between a customer and a merchant

Chat with your favorite shops

Whether you need support or have a question about a product, Bon puts you in direct touch with the shops. No hassle required.

Get personal discounts

Retain Existing Customers

Automatically retarget customers with personalized coupons

Discover new stores

Discover new stores

Easily discover new stores and gain a personalized discount

App screenshot showing today's orders and returns

Keep track of your Orders

Your orders from your favorite shops are kept in one place, so you don't have to worry about keeping track of emails, what you ordered or wonder where your package is.

App screenshot showing the return flow

Return items in a few steps

We know returning a product can be tedious. With Bon, you can quickly initiate returns so you spend the time enjoying the things you enjoy.

App screenshot showing a chat between a customer and a merchant

Chat with your favorite shops

Whether you need support or have a question about a product, Bon puts you in direct touch with the shops. No hassle required.

Get personal discounts

Retain Existing Customers

Automatically retarget customers with personalized coupons

Discover new stores

Discover new stores

Easily discover new stores and gain a personalized discount


Get the most out of our Merchant App

A happy customer is a customer for life. We are here to empower your relationship with them by providing you with relevant tools for your business.


App screenshot showing the merchant dashboard

Be on top of your business

We're connecting your shop to BON, so you will gain real-time insights into your followers, orders and returns to better understand your performance.

App screenshot showing a list of returns

View your orders and returns

Bon summarizes the orders and returns from your customers in a simple and friendly to use way, so you can focus on the sales.

App screenshot showing a chat between a customer and a merchant

Chat with your Customers

Having a long and healthy term relationship functioning requires you to stay engaged. Let us help you do that.

Make use of our campaign engine

Target customers with coupons

Easily target new and existing customers with personalized coupons

App screenshot showing the merchant dashboard

Be on top of your business

We're connecting your shop to BON, so you will gain real-time insights into your followers, orders and returns to better understand your performance.

App screenshot showing a list of returns

View your orders and returns

Bon summarizes the orders and returns from your customers in a simple and friendly to use way, so you can focus on the sales.

App screenshot showing a chat between a customer and a merchant

Chat with your Customers

Having a long and healthy term relationship functioning requires you to stay engaged. Let us help you do that.

Make use of our campaign engine

Target customers with coupons

Easily target new and existing customers with personalized coupons

App screenshot showing the merchant dashboard

Be on top of your business

We're connecting your shop to BON, so you will gain real-time insights into your followers, orders and returns to better understand your performance.

App screenshot showing a list of returns

View your orders and returns

Bon summarizes the orders and returns from your customers in a simple and friendly to use way, so you can focus on the sales.

App screenshot showing a chat between a customer and a merchant

Chat with your Customers

Having a long and healthy term relationship functioning requires you to stay engaged. Let us help you do that.

Make use of our campaign engine

Target customers with coupons

Easily target new and existing customers with personalized coupons

Discover more

Get inspired

We want to inspire you on customer engagement, branding and marketing.

Read more articles
The power of marketplaces for online retailers, how can they help you?

The power of marketplaces for online retailers

What are marketplaces?\ Have you ever thought about selling your products on an ...

Read more

Join the Bon experience.

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